We, the people, decide. We, the people, fight for change. And despite turmoil and hardships, we, the people, will come together for the promise of a more perfect union—not for some, but for all. 

That’s why the NWLC Action Fund is fighting back, for child care, for abortion access, for our safety, dignity, and equality. 

Tell Congress to Fix SCOTUS With Major Reforms!

Radical, conservative justices are serving Republican political interests over people and have now corrupted the courts. Without much-needed reforms, our highest court will only serve the rich and powerful—we cannot allow that.

Tell Congress: Save Child Care Now!

Tell your elected officials to prioritize and invest in child care as they debate emergency funding and annual spending bills.


The NWLC Action Fund aims to drive progressive change in our policies and laws so that all women and girls can live, learn, and work with safety, dignity, and equality. 

When you become an NWLC Action Fund supporter, you’ll know when and how to take actions to fight for gender justice! Stay up to date with the latest news and get a first look at upcoming calls to action