We are at a pivotal moment in the fight for gender equality and justice, with abortion access under attack and the 2024 elections quickly approaching. Women have been pushed out of the workforce in record numbers, are continually paid less, and face discrimination at work and in school.  

Women cannot continue to shoulder the burdens of a country that relies on them but won’t let them live full lives.  

Feminists across the country are showing up at the ballot box, in the streets, and in their communities, ready to fight for gender justice!

Latest from the Team:


The United States has never recognized care work as essential, but anyone who needs care knows that could not be further from the truth.

We need Congress to act and invest in the care economy so that parents have access to affordable child care, older and disabled folks have access to care in community-based settings, every worker has guaranteed paid family and medical leave, and care workers are paid living wages with benefits.

Help power the fight for gender justice.

Your donation today to the NWLC Action Fund will help us turn women’s voices into progressive change through direct advocacy, lobbying, community organizing, voter engagement, and mobilization at the local, state, and federal levels.

Gifts to the NWLC Action Fund are not tax-deductible.


Show your support! Let everyone know you’re part of the fight for gender justice. From t-shirts to stickers, there are endless ways to spread the word and mobilize!