Issue Guides

In every school in Georgia, all students—of every race, gender, disability, and  identity—should be able to learn with safety, dignity, and equality. In every school, educators should collaborate with students and families to build healthy environments rich with opportunity, imagination, and belonging. Instead, extremist politicians in the state have passed bills to ban books, prevent schools from teaching the complicated history of race and gender in this country, push out educators, exclude and police students of color, and shame and endanger LGBTQI+ students. Instead of creating safe and educational spaces for our children, some radical politicians in Atlanta have weaponized schools to exert control and further discrimination. These extremists are pushing unpopular policies that exploit divisions and restrict our freedoms so they can take and hold on to power and money. And at the same time, these politicians are refusing to take critical action to keep students safe from harassment and gun violence in schools. 

Politicians and lawmakers should prioritize protecting every student against discrimination and harassment and ensure that schools have the supports they need to help students grow, thrive, and live full, dignified lives.

Policies candidates & lawmakers should support:

Questions to ask candidates: