For our communities, it’s nearly impossible to build and maintain structural power if we don’t participate in the political process. Due to years of gerrymandering, partisan gridlock, and the sharp increase in extremist conservative activism in the courts, our democracy is increasingly of, by, and for the wealthy and the few. To fix this, Georgia voters must demand that our democratic systems are legitimate, that voter registration and participation are accessible to all, that elected leaders are accountable to the majority, and that voters have real impact on how our communities are governed. We can accomplish this by electing leaders who are committed to passing laws that will ensure everyone has equal access to register to vote, cast a ballot, and then have that ballot counted fairly. Georgia needs lawmakers who will promote the integrity of our elections instead of cheating the system by picking and choosing whose votes matter and when.
And it isn’t just lawmakers we need to keep accountable—it’s judges too. We elect the president and senators who appoint and confirm federal judges and justices for lifetime seats on the courts, which are meant to equitably protect fundamental civil and constitutional rights. Georgia voters can use the power of our votes to reshape our courts so that our judges and justices support equal rights under the law for all, especially for women, families, and people of color.
Georgia’s lawmakers must prioritize strengthening our democratic infrastructure and our courts to create a level playing field, restore fundamental protections and civil rights, and prevent future threats to our democratic systems.
Protect and expand access to the ballot and restore the Voting Rights Act.
Ensure all voters have equal access to the ballot box and their votes are counted fairly, including expanded early voting days, language access protections for Limited English Proficient (LEP) voters, and a district map that empowers all voters.
Reshape the makeup of the federal judiciary by working with the U.S. Senate and the White House to support the nomination and confirmation judges with a strong record of supporting gender and racial justice issues and who affirmatively declare they will uphold equality, opportunity for all, and the freedom to make personal decisions about our bodies and relationships.
Will you commit to actively supporting the full restoration of the Voting Rights Act?
What state policies will you support to ensure that all eligible voters have equal access to register to vote, cast a ballot, and have that ballot counted fairly? Will you commit to increasing funding and supports for impacted communities, particularly communities of color and immigrant communities?
Have you recommended candidates to the White House and/or supported judicial nominees with a strong record on civil rights and gender justice? If not (because you are not an incumbent), will you commit to recommending and supporting judicial nominees with a strong record on civil rights and gender justice?
How will you ensure that you recommend candidates for federal judgeships who are committed to equality, freedom, opportunity for all, and the right to make personal decisions about our bodies and relationships?