Home  /  Michigan State House 54 – 2024

Candidate Comparisons

The NWLC Action Fund aims to inform the public about candidates’ positions on issues affecting gender justice. We encourage voters to get informed, learn where their candidates stand, and to encourage candidates to adopt policy positions that support women and girls. 

A full list of policies used to assess candidates’ support can be found here.




Support an affordable and accessible care economy

Secure and protect reproductive freedom

Support safe and inclusive schools

Expand democracy


Support an affordable and accessible care economy - supports

Shadia Martini

  1. Make childcare affordable and accessible – supports
    1. Her campaign website says “Our children and our teachers are under assault by political extremists through book bans and efforts to defund our schools. In Lansing, I will fight for our children’s right to learn without government interference, mental healthcare in schools, and better access to childcare for working parents.”
  2. Guarantee paid family and medical leave –  supports
    1. Martini was endorsed by MIAFLCIO, a union organization whose 2024 platform says “To create a fair economy for working families, we can raise the minimum wage to at least $15 for all working people, end subminimum wage, guarantee earned sick leave so working people can care for loved ones when they get sick, and ensure equal pay for equal work for women”

Support an affordable and accessible care economy - opposes

Donni Steele

  1. Make childcare affordable and accessible – opposes
    1. Steele voted against a bill that would increase the weekly dependent care amount and benefit period
  2. Guarantee paid family and medical leave
    1. When discussing pandemic-era legislation that improved wages and established a paid leave policy, Steele’s statement said ““The businesses that will suffer most are local restaurants like we see in downtown Lake Orion. These operations are owned by our friends and neighbors and employ thousands of people. We won’t just be losing businesses. The most vulnerable among us will be losing their primary source of income if lawmakers don’t make a stand and stick up for the people we represent.”

Secure and protect reproductive freedom - supports

Shadia Martini

  1. Guarantee right to abortion – supports
    1. Her campaign website says “The right to choose is a human right. In Lansing, I’ll ensure that access to reproductive care continues to be protected, including access to IVF, abortion, and abortion medications like Mifepristone.”
  2. Expand and protect access to birth control – supports
    1. Her campaign website says “The right to choose is a human right. In Lansing, I’ll ensure that access to reproductive care continues to be protected, including access to IVF, abortion, and abortion medications like Mifepristone.”

Secure and protect reproductive freedom - opposes

Donni Steele

  1. Guarantee right to abortion – opposes
    1. Steele voted against a comprehensive policy package to expand reproductive freedom.
  2. Expand and protect access to birth control – opposes
    1. Steele voted against a comprehensive policy package to expand reproductive freedom.

Support safe and inclusive schools - supports

Shadia Martini

  1. Oppose book and curriculum bans – supports
    1. Her campaign website says “Our children and our teachers are under assault by political extremists through book bans and efforts to defund our schools. In Lansing, I will fight for our children’s right to learn without government interference, mental healthcare in schools, and better access to childcare for working parents.”
    2. Martini is endorsed by the Michigan chapter of the American Federation of Teachers, which has engaged in initiatives to combat book bans 
  2. Support inclusion of LGBTQI+ students – supports
    1. Martini is endorsed by Equality Michigan, whose Executive Director has spoken out about state attempts to discredit trans student athletes in sports

Support safe and inclusive schools - opposes

Donni Steele

  1. Oppose book and curriculum bans – opposes
    1. The Republican Platform also says “Republicans will ensure children are taught fundamentals like Reading, History, Science, and Math, not Leftwing propaganda. We will defund schools that engage in inappropriate political indoctrination of our children using Federal Taxpayer Dollars.”
      1. Steele’s campaign website says “Classrooms should focus on education, not social agendas.”
  2. Support inclusion of LGBTQI+ students – opposes
    1. Steele voted against a bill to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
    2. Steele also voted against legislation that banned conversion therapy for minors

Expand democracy - supports

Shadia Martini

  1. Oppose policies that restrict access to the ballot box, like voter ID laws – supports
    1. Her campaign website says “Sitting representatives in the State House still reject the results of the 2020 election. I’ll defend and accept the will of Michigan voters, regardless of the result. I’ll also defend access to straight-ticket voting, automatic voter registration, same-day voter registration, and no-excuse absentee voting — initiatives Michiganders overwhelmingly support.”
  2. Support expanded voting access through increasing the number of polling locations, allowing mail in and absentee voting, and increasing early voting – supports
    1. Her campaign website says “Sitting representatives in the State House still reject the results of the 2020 election. I’ll defend and accept the will of Michigan voters, regardless of the result. I’ll also defend access to straight-ticket voting, automatic voter registration, same-day voter registration, and no-excuse absentee voting — initiatives Michiganders overwhelmingly support.”

Expand democracy - opposes

Donni Steele

  1. Oppose policies that restrict access to the ballot box, like voter ID laws –  opposes
    1. She voted against legislation that would prohibit open carrying of firearms at polling locations and ballot drop boxes.
      1. It also says “We will implement measures to secure our Elections, including Voter ID, highly sophisticated paper ballots, proof of Citizenship, and same day Voting. We will not allow the Democrats to give Voting Rights to illegal Aliens”
  2. Support expanded voting access through increasing the number of polling locations, allowing mail in and absentee voting, and increasing early voting – opposes
    1. Steele voted against legislation making it easier for service members overseas to vote.
    2. Steele voted against allowing Michiganders to apply for absentee ballots online.