National Guides

Our democracy should be of the people, by the people, and for the people. But thanks to years of gerrymandering, partisan gridlock, the sharp increase in extremist conservative activism within the courts, attacks against democratic institutions, and the gutting of our fundamental rights—that democracy is shifting to being of, by, and for the wealthy and the few. 

The relentless attacks against our democracy are happening across the country at both the federal and state levels. Just last year, extremists in state legislatures enacted a near-record number of restrictive voting laws. These attempts to restrict voting rights impede accountability for elected leaders and judges and make it harder for voters to have a say in how our communities are governed. We can’t have a true and functioning democracy when women, girls, and LGBTQIA+ communities are seeing their rights eroded and attacked.

Leaders in all branches and at all levels of government should be committed to advancing gender justice as well as protecting our democratic institutions and our system of checks and balances to ensure no branch acts with impunity. Instead, we have seen the systematic dismantling of many of our democratic institutions, led by conservative extremists. This includes the capture of our federal courts by extremist judges who time and time again have proven they are incapable of holding themselves accountable to a basic ethical standard.

We already know that Supreme Court Justices, like Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, have accepted far-right megadonors’ exorbitant gifts for years without publicly disclosing them and not recused themselves in cases where those same megadonors’ interests are before the Court. And now, with news of a ‘Stop the Steal’ flag flying at Justice Alito’s home in 2021—a blatant political statement denying the 2020 election results—as the Court heard cases related to Trump’s false election claims, it is impossible for the public to believe he has served or can serve impartially in those cases.

A true democracy is one in which every person has equal protection under our laws, can fully participate in our democratic systems, and has an equal opportunity to thrive—regardless of their gender identity, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.

This election and beyond, leaders must prioritize strengthening our democracy and judicial ethics, restoring fundamental protections and civil rights, and actively working to restore and prevent future threats to our democratic systems.

Our 2024 Democracy Agenda:

Questions to ask federal candidates:

Expanding Democracy Voter Guide Webinar