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Candidate Comparisons

The NWLC Action Fund aims to inform the public about candidates’ positions on issues affecting gender justice. We encourage voters to get informed, learn where their candidates stand, and to encourage candidates to adopt policy positions that support women and girls.

A full list of policies used to assess candidates’ support can be found here.




Support full access to abortion care

Increase families’ access to child care and elder care

Protect access to fertility care and birth control

Protect access to democracy for all

Nominate and confirm federal judges with a strong record of gender justice, and hold them accountable to uniform ethical standards

Create equal and safe workplaces for women

Protect schools, teachers, and libraries from censorship and discrimination

Create safe, inclusive, and supportive schools

Support and include LGBTQI+ kids


Support workplace justice for women - supports

Elissa Slotkin

  1. Raise the minimum wage to at least $17/hour – supports
    1. Slotkin joined House Democrats “to reintroduce the Raise the Wage Act. The legislation would gradually raise the federal minimum wage to $17 an hour by 2028.”
    2. The Democratic 2024 platform says “[Democrats will] work to finally raise the federal minimum wage to at least $15-an-hour.”
  2. Close the wage gap – supports
    1. Slotkin was an original cosponsor of the Paycheck Fairness Act

Support workplace justice for women - opposes

Mike Rogers

  1. Raise the minimum wage to at least $17/hour – opposes
    1. Rogers vocally opposed the Raise the Wage Act
  2. Close the wage gap – opposes
    1. Rogers has repeatedly voted against legislation to close the gender wage gap.

Strengthen families' ability to find and/or provide care and taxing the rich so there are more public dollars to invest in people, their families, and their communities - supports

Elissa Slotkin

  1. Enact the Biden administration’s $16 billion Emergency Child Care Funding Request – supports
    1. Secured $2.1 million in federal funds for a Michigan State University childcare center
  2. Establish a comprehensive system for aging and disability care – supports
    1. The Democratic Platform says “We will protect the health and dignity of older adults and people with disabilities by improving long-term care and supporting family caregivers, and we will invest in care infrastructure by raising wages and the quality of care worker jobs.”

Strengthen families' ability to find and/or provide care and taxing the rich so there are more public dollars to invest in people, their families, and their communities - opposes

Mike Rogers

  1. Enact the Biden administration’s $16 billion Emergency Child Care Funding Request – opposes
    1. Though he did not connect it to child care spending, he opposed House Democrats’ attempts to move $16 billion in the budget to child care.
    2. He has voted against child care spending bills
  2. Establish a comprehensive system for aging and disability care – leans oppose
    1. He voted against legislation to allow prescription drug price negotiation

Unrig our tax system to make the rich pay and support families. - supports

Elissa Slotkin

  1. Improve the federal Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit
    1. The Democratic Platform says “That’s why we’ll keep pushing to restore the expanded Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit, which proved so effective at reducing poverty before Republicans let them expire.”
    2. Slotkin’s campaign website calls for expanding the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit
  2. Make the rich pay their fair share
    1. The Democratic Platform says “A fair tax code is how we invest in the things that make our nation strong, like health care, education, a clean environment, and the national defense.”

Unrig our tax system to make the rich pay and support families. - opposes

Mike Rogers

  1. Improve the federal Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit 
    1. In 2015, he introduced the Simplified, Manageable, And Responsible Tax Act, which would “repeal” “all income tax credits.”
  2. Make the rich pay their fair share – opposes 
    1. The Republican Platform says they will “make permanent the provisions of the Trump Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” which was shown to benefit the rich more than other taxpayers.
    2. In 2015, he introduced the Simplified, Manageable, And Responsible Tax Act, which would create a flat tax rate that is known to negatively impact lower wage workers to the benefit of the wealthy

Support full access to abortion care - supports

Elissa Slotkin

  1. Create new federal laws that ensure your right and access to abortion do not depend on where you live or how much money you make – supports
    1. The Democratic Platform says “Democrats are committed to restoring the reproductive rights Trump ripped away. With a Democratic Congress, we will pass national legislation to make Roe the law of the land again.”
    2. In a press conference, she underscored the importance of allowing women to make reproductive health care decisions for themselves
  2. Enforce existing rights that ensure people can get emergency abortion care at hospitals – supports
    1. In a press conference, she slammed the Supreme Court for leaving open the question of emergency abortion care
  3. Eliminate the Weldon and Hyde amendments – supports
    1. The Democratic Platform says “We will repeal the Hyde Amendment”

Support full access to abortion care - opposes

Mike Rogers

  1. Create new federal laws that ensure your right and access to abortion do not depend on where you live or how much money you make – opposes
    1. In reference to abortion, the Republican Platform says “We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights.”
    2. Rogers released a statement saying “I continue to celebrate the historic Dobbs decision, and recognize there is still work to be done. In the spirit of that continued fight, Alabamians have gathered on the National Mall in the yearly March for Life on the anniversary of the disastrous Roe v. Wade decision. This shows how important the preservation of these innocent lives is to our state. I made a commitment when I came to Congress that I would never give up on unborn lives, and I am proud to continue to be a voice for the voiceless.”
  2. Enforce existing rights that ensure people can get emergency abortion care at hospitals – unclear
  3. Eliminate the Weldon and Hyde amendments. – opposes
    1. Rogers cosponsored the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2023, which would strengthen the Hyde amendment by prohibiting “the use of federal funds for abortions or for health coverage that includes abortions. Such restrictions extend to the use of funds in the budget of the District of Columbia. Additionally, abortions may not be provided in a federal health care facility or by a federal employee.”

Protect access to fertility care and birth control - supports

Elissa Slotkin

  1. Support the Right to Contraception Act – supports
    1. The Democratic Platform says “Democrats are also working to expand access to birth control, which nine in 10 women have used” and “We will strengthen access to contraception so every woman who needs it is able to get and afford it.”
    2. Rep. Slotkin cosponsored the Right to Contraception Act
  2. Create federal protections for fertility care – supports
    1. The Democratic Platform says “We will protect a woman’s right to access IVF.”
    2. In a press conference, she raised concerns that Republicans will try to take away access to fertility care

Protect access to fertility care and birth control - opposes

Mike Rogers

  1. Support the Right to Contraception Act – unclear
  2. Create federal protections for fertility care – opposes
    1. In 2007, he cosponsored the Right to Life Act, which would have given embryos full legal personhood rights, making IVF impossible

Protect schools, teachers, and libraries from censorship and discrimination - supports

Elissa Slotkin

  1. Oppose book bans. -supports
    1. The Democratic Platform says “President Biden has also taken action to support LGBTQI+ youth in foster care; and is fighting book bans that censor LGBTQI+ content.”
  2. Oppose curriculum bans and support an honest and inclusive education. – unclear


Protect schools, teachers, and libraries from censorship and discrimination - opposes

Mike Rogers

  1. Oppose book bans. 
  2. Oppose curriculum bans and support an honest and inclusive education. – opposes
    1. The Republican Platform also says “Republicans will ensure children are taught fundamentals like Reading, History, Science, and Math, not Leftwing propaganda. We will defund schools that engage in inappropriate political indoctrination of our children using Federal Taxpayer Dollars.”

Create safe, inclusive, and supportive schools - supports

Elissa Slotkin

  1. Invest in police-free K-12 schools – police make school more dangerous and less safe, particularly for students of color. – unclear
  2. Protect students’ rights to free speech, organizing, and assembly free from police violence. – leans support
    1. She has repeatedly called for peaceful protests and drew a line between those causing violence and destruction and those engaging in real protests
  3. Incorporate social emotional learning, an honest history of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia, and learning materials and books from diverse authors and that highlight diverse stories, in public schools – supports
    1. The Democratic Platform says “We’ve helped districts nationwide train and hire 14,000 more counselors and social workers, so kids can heal from the disruptions of COVID, the fear of gun violence, and more. We increased investments in full-service community schools five-fold, providing health care, nutrition, job training, and other wraparound services for kids at school, investing in their futures and making families’ lives easier”
    2. Slotkin sits on the Livingston Diversity Council, which advocates for inclusive curricula.

Create safe, inclusive, and supportive schools - opposes

Mike Rogers

  1. Invest in police-free K-12 schools – police make school more dangerous and less safe, particularly for students of color. – unclear
  2. Protect students’ rights to free speech, organizing, and assembly free from police violence. – opposes
    1. The Republican Platform names protesters as terrorist sympathizers and says they will “DEPORT PRO-HAMAS RADICALS AND MAKE OUR COLLEGE CAMPUSES SAFE AND PATRIOTIC AGAIN”
  3. Incorporate social emotional learning, an honest history of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia, and learning materials and books from diverse authors and that highlight diverse stories, in public schools – opposes
    1. The Republican Platform also says “Republicans will ensure children are taught fundamentals like Reading, History, Science, and Math, not Leftwing propaganda. We will defund schools that engage in inappropriate political indoctrination of our children using Federal Taxpayer Dollars.”

Support and include LGBTQI+ kids - supports

Elissa Slotkin

  1. Protect gender affirming care for all – supports
    1. The Democratic Platform says “President Biden has delivered on his promise to ban discrimination in health care on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation. He has also protected transgender Americans’ access to health care and coverage including gender-affirming care”
    2. She tweeted support for gender affirming care access in the military

screenshot of tweet from Elissa Slotkin

  1. Clarify through explicit regulations that Title IX protections extend to inclusive protections in athletics. – supports
    1. Slotkin voted against the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023, which would ban transgender athletes from competing on teams aligned with their gender identity

Support and include LGBTQI+ kids - opposes

Mike Rogers

  1. Protect gender affirming care for all – opposes
    1. The Republican Platform says “We will keep men out of women’s sports, ban Taxpayer funding for sex change surgeries, and stop Taxpayer-funded Schools from promoting gender transition, reverse Biden’s radical rewrite of Title IX Education Regulations, and restore protections for women and girls.”
  2. Clarify through explicit regulations that Title IX protections extend to inclusive protections in athletics. – opposes
    1. The Republican Platform says they will “KEEP MEN OUT OF WOMEN’S SPORTS”

Nominate and confirm federal judges with a strong record of gender justice, and hold them accountable to uniform ethical standards - supports

Elissa Slotkin

  1. Pass the Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act to create stronger recusal standards and an enforceable code of conduct – supports
    1. In 2023, she introduced the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency (SCERT) Act, which “would require the Court to adopt an ethics code that would: institute transparency standards on gifts and travel, codify recusal standards, and require disclosure of lobbying and dark money interests that come before the court.”
  2. Nominate and confirm judges with a strong record of supporting gender and racial justice issues and who affirmatively declare they will uphold equality, opportunity for all, individual liberty, and the freedom to make personal decisions about our bodies and relationships – likely supports
    1. Slotkin has used her platform to underscore the danger of an activist court.

Nominate and confirm federal judges with a strong record of gender justice, and hold them accountable to uniform ethical standards - opposes

Mike Rogers

  1. Pass the Judicial Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act to create stronger recusal standards and an enforceable code of conduct 
  2. Nominate and confirm judges with a strong record of supporting gender and racial justice issues and who affirmatively declare they will uphold equality, opportunity for all, individual liberty, and the freedom to make personal decisions about our bodies and relationships.
    1. Rogers has been formally endorsed by Donald Trump, who stacked the judiciary – including the Supreme Court – with anti-choice judges

Protect access to democracy for all - supports

Elissa Slotkin

  1. Protect and expand access to the ballot and restore the Voting Rights Act, including by passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Actsupports
    1. Cosponsored the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
  2. Unrig our democracy by abolishing the filibuster – supports
    1. On her campaign website, she includes “Reform the filibuster, which is critical to give issues like voting rights an up-or-down vote in the U.S. Senate” as one of her priorities in her opportunity agenda

Protect access to democracy for all - opposes

Mike Rogers

  1. Protect and expand access to the ballot and restore the Voting Rights Act, including by passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act – opposes
      1. It also says “We will implement measures to secure our Elections, including Voter ID, highly sophisticated paper ballots, proof of Citizenship, and same day Voting. We will not allow the Democrats to give Voting Rights to illegal Aliens”
    2. In an endorsement interview with the Detroit Free Press Editorial Board earlier this summer, Rogers wouldn’t answer whether he believes the 2020 election was fair, and wouldn’t promise to defend voting rights 
  2. Unrig our democracy by abolishing the filibuster – unclear